
 ということで前回は財宝を積み込んだ一行が舟にjump onしたという話でした。

 ①Back home , the old man and woman were waiting for their Peach Boy.
 ➁"I hope he's all right," the old woman said."Oh, when will he return?"
 ③"Look!" said the old man."Here he comes now!"
 ④Momotaro was marching down the hill toward the village.
 ⑤Behind him, the dog and monkey were pulling a cart full of gold and silver and jewels.
 ⑥Above the cart, in the clear blue sky, the phesant flew in circles.
 ⑦"That's our boy!" cried the old man."We knew you could do it, Momotaro!"
 ⑧"We're so glad you're safe!" the old woman said.
 ⑨Everyone cheered, and the cherry trees were blooming.

 ①Back home, the old man and woman were waiting for their Peach Boy.
 be wait for 人(to do)ってやつですね。「人を待つ」「人が~するのを待つ」というやつです。
 Back homeって難しいですね。これ一般的にはgo homeとかcome home的な感じで捉えられるものですね。だからここで「家に戻ってみると」としていかにも桃太郎が家に帰ったかのように捉えるといかにもそれっぽいですが、そうではないと。ここのbackというのは、「話を元に戻してみると、場面を切り変えて家のところに戻してみると」という意味ですね。だから日本語で考えてみると「一方、家の方では」という感じになると思いますが、それがここでのbackとなるわけです。桃太郎が直接戻るわけでもなく、時間を巻き戻すわけでもない、あくまで場面を切り替えてみるという意味だと。
 そうなると「その頃、自宅の方では」という感じだと思うと、at that time, at homeという言い方で表せるのではないかと思いますね。そういう意味のものがこのback homeであると。

 ➁"I hope he's all right," the old woman said."Oh, when will he return?"
 ちょっと固いですね。"I hope he's all right,"を「無事だといいのだが」と言ってますが、これでいいと思います。

 ③"Look!" said the old man."Here he comes now!"

 ④Momotaro was marching down the hill toward the village.

 ⑤Behind him, the dog and monkey were pulling a cart full of gold and silver and jewels.

 ⑥Above the cart, in the clear blue sky, the phesant flew in circles.

 ⑦"That's our boy!" cried the old man."We knew you could do it, Momotaro!"

 ⑧"We're so glad you're safe!" the old woman said.

 ⑨Everyone cheered, and the cherry trees were blooming.

 ①Back home , the old man and woman were waiting for their Peach Boy.
 ➁"I hope he's all right," the old woman said."Oh, when will he return?"
 ③"Look!" said the old man."Here he comes now!"
 ④Momotaro was marching down the hill toward the village.
 ⑤Behind him, the dog and monkey were pulling a cart full of gold and silver and jewels.
 ⑥Above the cart, in the clear blue sky, the phesant flew in circles.
 ⑦"That's our boy!" cried the old man."We knew you could do it, Momotaro!"
 ⑧"We're so glad you're safe!" the old woman said.
 ⑨Everyone cheered, and the cherry trees were blooming.



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