

 ①The only one left was the king himself.
 ②He stepped forward and tried to hit Momotaro with his club.
 ③But Momotaro jumped out of the way and threw him to the ground.
 ④Then he locked the king’s head in his powerful arm.
 ⑤"Stop! I give up!" cried the king.
 ⑥"You win, Momotaro! Please don't kill me! You can have the treasure!"

 ①The only one left was the king himself.

 ②He stepped forward and tried to hit Momotaro with his club.

 ③But Momotaro jumped out of the way and threw him to the ground.

 ④Then he locked the king’s head in his powerful arm.
  ここhe locked the king’s headですけど、he locked the king by the headというのもありなのかなと思って調べましたが、ちょっとよくわかりませんでした。catch 人 by the armという表現はあったんですが、仮にこれを使いますと。
 Momotaro catch the king by the headだと「まだ動いている大将の頭を掴んだ」となります。the headは迷うことなく大将の頭であって、まさか桃太郎の頭ではないでしょうから(笑)たたきつけたんだけどまだもがいている、動いている大将を頭で掴んだ。
 一方Momotaro catch his head、これだと頭はまだ動いているということになります。投げられてたたきつけられて全身が痛い、動けない、なんだけど彼の頭部だけは「うあああいてえー」と動いている、その動いている頭部を掴んだと。別にここはMomotaro catch himでいいわけですけど、敢えて頭と書いているということは彼の全身はつまり動いていないのだろうと考えられます。

 ⑤"Stop! I give up!" cried the king.
 「待て! 降参だ!」と大将は叫んだ。

 ⑥"You win, Momotaro! Please don't kill me! You can have the treasure!"
 「お前の勝ちだ、桃太郎! 殺さないでくれ! 宝は持って行っていい(から)」

 悪いことしたやつはとりあえず有無を言わさず処刑という感じがあって「待て待て! 命だけは助けてくれ!」という感じがします。日本風だったらこうはならなかったんじゃないだろうか。一応刀は持っているわけですが、それを処刑用として使うにしてもこういう展開にはならないんじゃないかなあと思いますね。刀を抜いて有無を言わさず頭を切り落とすというよりは、用意できたか、うむ、用意できたとなって切腹する時間くらいは与える気がしますから。Please don't kill me!という展開には少し違和感があります。

 ①The only one left was the king himself.
 ②He stepped forward and tried to hit Momotaro with his club.
 ③But Momotaro jumped out of the way and threw him to the ground.
 ④Then he locked the king’s head in his powerful arm.
 ⑤"Stop! I give up!" cried the king.
 ⑥"You win, Momotaro! Please don't kill me! You can have the treasure!"

 ”Not without a fight, you won't!” The king held up his club.
 "As you wish," said Momotaro, and the fight began.
 Demons are big and mean, but they are weak of heart.The phesant flew from one to another――Whirr! Whirr!――and pecked at their eyes.The dog ran from one to another――Arf! Arf!――and bit their legs.The monkey jumped from one to another――Key! key!――and scratched their faces.
 Before very long, the demons all threw down their clubs and ran away in tears.
 The only one left was the king himself.He stepped forward and tried to hit Momotaro with his club.But Momotaro jumped out of the way and threw him to the ground.Then he locked the king’s head in his powerful arm.
 "Stop! I give up!" cried the king."You win, Momotaro! Please don't kill me! You can have the treasure!"


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